Breathing helps to come out of our emotional outburst

Breathing helps to come out of our emotional outburst

“Consciously regulating your emotions transform the experience of your life”

Normally we are going through lot of emotions from situation to situation in our daily life. Few emotions do not get a chance to regulate themselves and its intensity goes up and above. We are going through lot of ups & downs within our emotions, which become routine for us. We are not so conscious about taking cognisance of extremely wavering graph of our emotions. Sometimes it feels good in a routine but give feeling of fatigued & exhausted at the end of the day. As our emotions change, our breathing pattern also changes. So it has a contribution to our physical exertion also. This emotional roller coaster pushes us to express reactions without thinking in any situations, which becomes emotional outburst. Emotional outburst start hampering our health and may detect problems like diabetes, hyper-tension, hyper-acidity.

Many people complain that they don’t be able recognise and control their emotional outburst in many situations. First we need to understand that you can not control your emotions whereas you can regulate your emotions. Many times we are hesitant to accept our own emotions. If someone asks us in a situation, why are you so angry? How we react to it? We say that I’m not angry. I am Okay. But are we really Okay within our mind? So it is better not to deny our real emotion. If we can accept our emotion at that moment, at least we can recognise our emotional outburst moment. 

Breathing is a vital part of our life process. It has an intersection with all of our body & mind processes. Accordingly our emotions & our breathing also goes hand in hand. When we are angry, our breath is short & fast. That is how we have specific breathing pattern in a specific emotion. If we start observing & listening our breathing, we can regulate our emotions too. Start inhaling very slowly and exhale it slowly more or double than inhaling time can really help to regulate our emotions. 

If you are facing the same problem and want to learn about this in detail, get in touch with us. We can have online Skype session in case of any geographical barrier.  

Contact: +91-98220-24674 or write to 

Why do we always find attention-seeking personalities?

Why do we always find attention-seeking personalities?

When someone praise us, we always like it and we smile & nod inside our mind. It feels like a new feather in the hat. When it happens with us, we do wanted to happen it again and again. This feeling gives us short-term satisfaction. But slowly it becomes behavioural characteristic to become an attention seeker. Even we can not identify ourselves that we are behaving like an attention seeker in the group. It does not restrict us to be an attention seeker not only in our professional life but in our personal life and in our social or friend groups also.

We need to introspect ourselves deeply to identify that are we really becoming an attention seeker. There are many reasons or situations from our childhood,  young age and adulthood, which contributes subconsciously in our mind to become an attention seeker. Now we are going to see one reason, which may impact us to become an attention seeker. In our childhood and in our young age, we used to have many informal friend groups. Actually these group dynamics are subconsciously shaping our personalities. In a group, everyone is coming from different backgrounds or different grooming styles  or having different life experiences so it may have inequality in many ways. Normally in these groups, any informal discussion start with some funny, serious, fearful, exciting experiences. There is a possibility that we would not have that type any experience. We tend to get one foot backward, when it starts happening regularly. But we are social animals, we always wanted to live in a group. So we also want to share some relevant experiences in groups to feel ourselves to be part of the group. So we start creating some funny, serious, fearful, exciting experiences in our mind to share in our groups. Once it becomes a practice, we can make those type of experiences instantly in our mind. This habit leads us to bluffing, faking without reasons, bullying unreasonably, which becomes a characteristic of our behaviour to be an attention seeker. We start using this habit in our professional and personal life, which becomes disaster sometimes. So if we observe any attention seeking person anywhere, kindly do not blame him or her immediately. Try to understand that why he or she becomes so.

This type of behaviour may impact very badly on our professional and personal life too. It deteriorate our relationships, our credibility, our social status and our own trust within ourselves. This type of behaviour wastes the most precious thing in our life, that is ‘Time’. It has negative effect of diminishing the love and faith from our parents, wife, children, relatives, friends and clients too. People start avoiding these attention seeking personalities. So do not hesitate and start introspecting.

If you are facing the same problem, get in touch with us here +91-98220-24674 or write to

Do you postpone your tasks daily?

Do you postpone your tasks daily?

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans – John Lennon

We are living in a so dynamic world that we have minimum bagful of tasks to do in a day in our professional as well as in personal life. We always want to complete all the tasks but all tasks could not get completed in a day. So here we start postponing our tasks. But first question arises in this situation that why couldn’t we complete our tasks? Lets find this answer first. We need to question ourselves that how many times we are present with our mind at the time of doing the particular task. If we can keep our mind in the present where we are doing our tasks, we can do the same task in a lesser time. Let us see an example to understand it more easily.

When we brush our teeth every morning, we take 5 minutes or sometimes 10/15 minutes or sometimes 10 seconds would also feels like ages. We should give enough time to brush our teeth but why do we need variable time to make it. This instance shows us that we are not present there in the task but wandering with our mind in many other things and that is how we delay to our tasks. We will see another example. If I have a task of cleaning the table everyday. It takes me 5 minutes to complete. Now if I keep my mind in the present and do the same activity, I can do it in 1 minute. This is how I can save on 4 minutes at my disposal. Do this experiment with yourself, you would definitely realise, how much time we can save in an entire day.

Postponing tasks or procrastination generally does not have anything to do with number of tasks or complexity or responsibility or lack of confidence or lack of skills. We do not keep our mind in the present so our mind starts wandering, it becomes an entertainment in our mind and we start postponing our tasks. Sometimes we wander in some of our happy moments in our past and sometimes we wander in sad or fearful moments in our life. We wander in our imagined future too with sad or happy feeling. These imagined feelings become our emotions in the present and we could not concentrate, where we are now. According to general behaviour of a human being, we tend to choose things, which are easy for us to do. We start choosing things or tasks, where our mind presence would not require to complete the task. We start postponing the important but critical or complicated tasks, where our mind presence is required. So lack of mind presence is the culprit of procrastination in most of the cases.

If you really want to learn to keep your mind in the present, get in touch with us here or +91-98220-24674

Breathing helps us in decision-making

Breathing helps us in decision-making

Conscious Breathing is a simplest management tool for rational decision-making

Our inhalation and exhalation is actually involved with our every activity. Now we will do an experiment, observe your inhalation and exhalation. What would we realise, we can observe different patterns of our own breathing. If we start observing the breathing with more involvement, we can define the specific pattern of breathing with specific emotion. It means we have slightly faster inhalation and exhalation when we are anxious or very sad. When we observe our breathing with normal or slightly slow in speed  without any internal disturbance, you will feel joyous and happy.  Our breathing cycles have impact on our emotions and vice versa, our emotions also have impact on our breathing. So emotions can be regulated with slower inhalation and exhalation.

Breathing is so inherent activity in our body, which made us unfocused about our breathing process. We are going through different emotions & thoughts throughout the day. We are concerned about tensions, so called ‘Deadlines’, sound sleep, over-loaded responsibility; which we are actually creating with our own thoughts and emotions. But we forget one more important thing in this process that is, to have ‘conscious’ breathing or having awareness about our breathing constantly in our routine life. But we have easily forgotten to keep a watch on our breathing, which can actually regulate our emotions & thoughts.

Decision making is a crucial activity in our personal & professional life. We need peaceful environment inside ourselves to take the right decisions. But we are always chaotic in our mind with our own thoughts, imaginations with good, bad and worst results. If we can analyse our breathing cycles, we can regulate our emotions and thoughts. We can make ourselves rational with a right pattern of breathing. When we are feeling joyous from within ourselves with normal breathing cycle , it is easy to take rational decisions without having any emotional impact. Decision making is so inherent part of our life process that we don’t recognise actual decision making moments. So we take some decision with a particular thought and in particular emotion, which result in disastrous situation. If we make ourselves aware with our breathing cycles, we can make ourselves more and more conscious. Consciousness helps us to keep ourselves more and more involved with our present situation. As we can keep our mind aware and conscious with present, it helps us to take any decisions in any moment our life.

If you’re facing similar kind of problems and need professional help, get in touch here:

+91-98220-24674 | |

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